Cambridge's male-voice early music ensemble

Concert schedule

De Profundis doesn’t have a permanent Music Director but instead employs a series of guest conductors who are often world experts in their chosen repertoire. Our roster of conductors includes some of the most important and prominent early music conductors before the public today.

In Spring 2022 De Profundis launched its groundbreaking Morales Project – an ambitious plan to perform and record all of Cristóbal de Morales’s Masses and Magnificats – conducted by Robert Hollingworth and Eamonn Dougan. We’ll be releasing one CD per year and the project will conclude in 2034. Morales was the first Spanish composer to have a major international reputation and he is one of the founding fathers of the Spanish Renaissance school. This is going to be quite a journey!

Sat 28th September 2024

Music from Renaissance Portugal, featuring Missa Veni Domine (Magalhães) and Cardoso’s Magnificat a5, in addition to music by Lobo, Cristo, and Morago.

Conductor: David Skinner

Tickets available for purchase on EventBrite at the following URL: buy tickets for our September 2024 concert.

Sat 3rd May 2025 – Morales Project 4

Magnificat tertii toni and movements from Missa Ave Maria and Missa Si bona suscepimus

Conductor: Eamonn Dougan

Autumn 2025

A Flemish Christmas, featuring Missa Pastores quidnam vidistis by Clemens Non Papa

Conductor: tbc 

Spring 2026 – Morales Project 5

Magnificat quarti toni and movements from Missa de Beata Virgine a4 and Missa Tristezas me matan

Conductor: Robert Hollingworth